Personal Honesty in Business, Part I

Honesty in business, for me, is being first and foremost honest about who I am.  When I started getting into business and leaving the nine-to-five word, I was very guarded about sharing any parts of myself.  I thought that to be a professional meant very certain things and I lived and worked under these assumptions. 

As I grew, both as a businesswoman and an individual, I realized that keep this harsh "professional" separateness was NOT serving me.  It made me feel inauthentic and secretive, which are not qualities I wanted to bring to my work.  As I started sharing more of myself, my work became more EFFECTIVE.  

At the end of the day, that's what I want, to be effective at what I do.  I've learned that letting a little bit of myself through that professional wall allows me to maximize my efficiency and improve my business relationships.

Three ways you can begin to share more:

  1. Tell the truth when someone asks you how you are.  Let them in, not for an hour, but just for a couple of minutes.  Even if you are on a conference call, this honest check-in lets them know where you are really coming from.
  2. Be willing to listen to what someone else is feeling.  Being a good listener is a big part of honesty.  We have to be confident and open enough to sit in silence and listen, thoughtfully.   
  3. If a client or co-worker is having a difficult time, share with them a personal anecdote.  You don't have to go into great detail,  but it is always comforting for them to know they aren't experiencing something in a vacuum.

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