I AM:: Scattered, A Hot Mess

Fuck it, man.  I am really good at a few things.  But not today.  Well, maybe this morning. But not today.  Maybe a little bit in the afternoon.  But not today.  The evening kinda crumbled, but when I had to be I was still:

pretty fucking good.

Right, right?  Isn't that what I would tell you to say to yourself?  Even when (and that when, for me, is RIGHT NOW) you feel completely scattered and like you are doing not one bit of good.   What do I usually say? 

Become present and SLOW DOWN.

That's it, have I drilled it home?  That's what I should do.  That's what you need to do. Plant feet.  On earth.  Focus eyes.  Downward.  Drink a glass of water.  I am going to remind us, together, again and again.  Until we listen and really hear.  Until we relapse and speed up and I say, "Hey.  Wait.  Look at me.  Slow down."  NOURISH YOURSELF.  PLEASE.  It will make the world a better place.  You can't


unless you learn this VERY basic but not so easy coping skill.  Everything is telling you to multitask.  To connect.  Fast.  Instant Message.  Constant contact.  Go, go, go.  

Who tells you to go take a nap?  To stick your feet in some grass, or some fluffy socks? To take care of your damn self because that is the


I DO.  I am telling you.  It's your job.  Your first job.  Your only real job.  Take care of your scattered hot mess self.  Do it however you know how.  If you don't know how:: learn. NOW.  It's past time. 

Make it a New Year's resolution, join a cult, take my self care session.  I don't care how you get there as long as you get to care.  Take a step in that direction and DO IT RIGHT NOW.  There is no time to waste.

Was it an excuse?  You have to do what?  Someone needs what?  Screw it. At least for a minute. 

Do Not Let It Fall Into Place

An Admission:: UNSURE.