Diversification of Income Streams

I talk to my clients a lot about diversifying their income streams.  It's like not putting all your eggs in one basket.  And when you are self employed (or investing) it's pretty important. 


Yes, I believe that if you are a designer you can be successful at doing JUST that, ONLY that.   But, in the interest of your mental health (ie sanity), I strongly suggest you have some different revenue streams that you can put your feet up on during the leaner months. 


For those lucky self employed, married folks with a spouse who is employed by someone OUTSIDE the family (not me, it is true)  they have a bit of a buffer from the ebbs and flows of income.  


I have a bunch of different income streams I rely upon. Not only does that make me feel more secure financially, but it makes me more interested in what I am doing.  I can switch gears when I am stuck. 


How are you financially flexible?  What can you do to be MORE SO? 

Speed / Pace / Time & Breath

On Powerlessnes