Balance - A Lesson From Fruit

Mmm, my whole car and house smelled like fresh berries for days.  Every year I like to pick as much as I can of fresh blueberries, strawberries or blackberries and freeze them for the winter ahead.  See, I like winter, but I don't like the absence of food that tastes like food.  So, this is my solution.

The whole time we were picking (and beforehand) I was think a lot about the concept of preparedness.  The fine line between being a horder and having a well-stocked pantry.  Similarly, the line between getting all of your work done, but not being obsessive about completion.  

There is something to be said for having fresh berries and there is something to be said  for having a blank to do list. BUT, not ALWAYS.  Again, back to the concept of balance.

Right now I am getting to practice a lot of my balance skills.  I feel like I am rushing very fast to the finish line of this pregnancy, but still giving myself those reminders to live in the present moment and balance FAST with SLOW. 

How do you keep balance in your life?


Thing One and Thing Two

It was HARD and it was GOOD