I am 32 and I Just Used Body Wash for the First Time

It was just my birthday.  It is a new year.  I had a party.  I got some gifts.  

I used to hate getting presents.

I don't anymore.  Rarely, rarely, rarely do I get something I don't want.  

I love how well people know me and how graciously they think of me.

So, I got body wash.  I know they SELL body wash, like, in stores.  But I have never bought any.  I never really considered it either.  Maybe because my mother barely uses soap.  Maybe because my husband only uses tea tree castille soap, which makes my skin fall off. Maybe because too many things on the shower rack piss me off (whoops, then I had children and that went out the window).  Maybe it is because i believe too much in natural oils.  I put my belief systems aside and me and my dry-ass winter-skin took a shower tonight and tried body wash.  HOLY SHIT. They make stuff that cleans you without feeling like your skin just died.  I am. in. HEAVEN. 

SO, what will I do?  I'll write a THANK YOU NOTE.  Yes, people still do this.  And if you don't, you suck. Seriously,

stop sending thank you emails, people.  It doesn't fucking count.

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That person worked, made money, then they thought of you and then they went out (or online) and actually PURCHASED something.  FOR YOU.  And maybe they wrapped it or mailed it or dropped it off.  Either way, you should think about this for at least the time it takes to sit your as down in a chair and handwrite something thoughtful.

If you tell me that you are too busy to write a damn thank you note then get the fuck off my site. 

Okay, that's a little mean, maybe you need to stick around and listen to a thing or two that I have to say. Or maybe, you just need to start caring for yourself and for others and creating enough time and space to thank others and to thank yourself.

(ps. don't look a the list of gift givers as a list of thank you notes to do.  Rather, look at it as a list of loving people who took time out of their lives to make a difference in yours.)

And for goodness sakes, teach your damn kids to do the same. 

Bitchy Little Critic:: Your Inner Voice

Oh, NOW you get it.