All in Success / Disappointment

So tomorrow I leave for three weeks with my toddler and two dogs to head to the beach and work remotely.  It is a wonderful luxury of my job, my self-employment status.  At the same time, it makes me crazy.  Eight months pregnant, no AC, no dishwasher, lots of sand - oh, and did I mention it is an island?  My darling husband will be away making money (which we totally need).  I have yuppie problems, and I know it.  (release guilt here)

I wrote this years ago when Facebook was first catching on.  As I delve into curriculum for an e-course on social media I have been thinking a lot about this type of  networked sharing.  It's also great fun to see where I was coming from then and how I have changed.  But that's a story for a different day...


Who’s fat and who’s hot, who’s married and who’s not?


first joined Facebook about a month ago.  Yeah, I had My Space and Linked In already. To be honest, I didn’t even open the account—my assistant did....