I am telling you the truth when I say that somedays I wish I could hire myself.  I spent the last two days wrestling with pregnancy hormones and trying to sort out my plan of attack.  Guess what?

 I didn't get there yet.  And that's okay.  Or at least, that's what I'd tell you.  So that's what I am telling myself.  It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.  Allow space for these feelings, allow things to be DIFFERENT.  I am choosing to allow myself to be DIFFERENT then I perceive myself to "normally" be.  I tend to be very clear when it comes to my (or your) plan of action.  These last few days, I can  see yours clearly, but not mine.  Can I roll with that?  Can I make lists and watch the rain and read Dr. Seuss to my daughter and do some laundry and ignore some dishes and make something with my hands?  Can I give myself the chance to NOT BE ORGANIZED OR EFFICIENT?  


I'd like to try to let these feelings just float around and not attach to them.  Not to struggle against the flow.  Not to try to understand the WHY of it all.  I'm gonna give it a shot and just keep repeating these words:  Allow, alllow, allow.  Don't judge, don't justify.  Allow, allow, allow.

How do you adapt when you are not feeling like yourself? 


Do you use inspiration?  THIS print about songbirds and roots inspires me. 


I Hired a Personal Organizer

I Needed a Little Inspiration (& another GIVEAWAY)