I Needed a Little Inspiration (& another GIVEAWAY)

I know I am not the only one, right?  Right?  


The one who lags during some weird eclipse.  Or who doesn't want to get up in the morning from time to time.   Or feels more like yoga than sitting at her desk (or that doesn't feel like yoga but feels like sitting at her desk.)


I know you lurk out there with your off days too.  It's not a secret you can keep from me.  Nor one that I want to keep from you!   I created these prints to help me through times that I needed a reminder (can you tell I really like reminders) of something or other.  A little inspiration and a few deep breaths helps me.  it helps me a lot.  So I wanted to share with you. 

I now offer for sale a set of five 4"x4" prints for $4.95 or, you can get a dozen for $9.95.   


Check them out HERE

Comment below with which one is your favorite.  Next Friday I'll mail a few out to some lucky winners.  Share for an additional entry. 

Organizing - My Brain

Facebook: The New Achievement Calibrator