All in Inspiration /Growth

Today was fine.  

It was a regular day (guitar string braceletsbuilding websitesbooking clients, wiping poopy bums, eating, doing laundry, paying bills, painting trim, going to pediatrician, vacuuming, taking the dogs out, selling cloth diapers online, taking pictures of my food, talking to my employees, yelling at my husband, scheduling email blasts, planning sales for holiday season) and it was fine.

I work fast.  So fast, so well, so effortlessly.  But only SOMETIMES.  Those times I am in what I (and others) call:  THE ZONE.

One trick about FAST TIME is you have to balance it with SLOW TIME.  You just can't move fast all of the time.  And so many people ask me how I get done all that I get done. The trick is the balance with SLOW TIME.    Productive fast time is only as good as your slow time...