Why I Put Shit in My Washing Machine

Gross, right?   

And why, my dearest dears, is this worthy of writing about?  What does it have to do with PRACTICAL MINDFULNESS?  Well, firstly, it 

helps you know me better. 

And that is useful because, why would you trust me to help you if I didn't share some of myself.  (This has always been my problem with shrinks, by the way.   You know they are crazy too, but they can't tell you anything about their crazy!)  Luckily, I can tell you


While I am up nursing at night I stalk cloth diaper swap boards.  It is very strange and OCD and surreal and quiet and I adore it.  It's like a shopping addiction where I don't buy anything and get an education.  I want to admit this to you because we

ALL NEED strange addictions that CALM US and make us happy.  

Seriously.  People play candy crush, they Pinterest, the read recipes they'll never make.  And I say, more power to you!  Let your freak flag fly.  Whatever it is,

go out there get a brainless, awesome, calming, addiction. 

Don't let it eat you.  Don't let it suck you dry.  Just use it in moderation, at the right time, to work it's happy magic.  And keep it in your back pocket as a COPING SKILL.  

Fuck high school and algebra, these are the lessons we need.  

How to make it through life.  How stalking a cloth diaper swap board helps me keep my cool through six plus weeks of a baby who grunts and cries at me ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG. 

Okay, so my tips-and-tricks-for-living-a successful-life-in-a-practical-and-awesome-manner  portion of this blog post is done.  Now I am going to actually spend some time talking about cloth diapers.  So bug out here if you don't care about the environment, or my baby's ass.

Some details on cloth diapers... 

  • I have not had to fill up my trash can with stinky ass diapers. (6,500 - 10,000 per kid for 2.5 years of diapering).
  • I have not had to put super toxic absorptive gel crap next to the man parts of my itsy bitsy boy.  (I also use lady cloth, but thats getting a bit personal, even for me).
  • I have saved TONS of money.  Diapers (especially the non-kill-your-baby-balls kind) are WICKED expensive.  I used prefolds and covers, and I buy USED.  It's cheap yo.  My other top favorite is Grovia Hybrid diapers.
  • I get to make fun things on my sewing machine, like cloth wipes.
  • I have a wipes warmer - meaning I can wipe my face and hands with a warm towel any time of day or night without running excessive water and waiting for my on demand water heater to heat some up and use tons of electricity.
  • I buy my supplies used and resell when I am done.  Less stuff in the world.  Boo yah!
  • It's easy.  Like, seriously, even my husband can cope with it. 
  • It's cool.  Seriously, copy me. 
  • Want serious waste stats?  CLICK HERE and read. 

And the WINNER is...

Life Lite – Live Light