Kindness (something bitches can also try)

I am kind of a bitch.  But I TRY to be a kind bitch.  Sometimes it works.  Sometimes it doesn't.  When I am pregnant or otherwise hormonal, it is even harder.

I curse a lot.  I am VERY bossy.  I am mostly right about everything, all the time. 

These are things I am striving for:

Humility, softness, receptiveness, humility.   Not being convinced that I am always right.  And just plain being nice.  Using a nice tone of voice.  Not getting exasperated. Being HUMBLE and not bratty.

If you have never, ever, ever, ever clicked on a link I posted, please consider reading This Article.  It is wonderful and will make you feel warm and fuzzy.  Kinda like this kid, who makes me feel warm and fuzzy. 


Cranes and Cervical Effacement

How to be Crazy Successful - And a Suggestion for Organizing your "to read" Internet Stuff