All in Motherhood

 I came home from the hospital with my first baby, Camilla, I rested for a bit, then hopped right back into my type A shoes and rush forth for a busy three months of holiday shipping in the retail industry.  See these pictures?  The pack'n'play IN MY STUDIO.  Permanent baby strapped to my chest.  It worked. I was happy and I felt good.  Still, I don't want to repeat it this time.  I want slower time, I want down time, quiet time, bonding time.  And it's up to me to carve that out. 

I suppose there are people in the world who go to sleep at night and then wake up the next morning.  That hasn't happened for me in over three years.  I was up last night (googling smoothie recipes with almond milk frozen in ice cube trays) and thinking about what this might do to my brain, this lack of sleep. 

So I got up.  And I wrote a WHOLE LONG BLOG POST about my favorite smoothies, with tips and techniques and tricks and it was so clear and awesome and then I hit the FUCKING DELETE button like an idiot.