All in Motherhood

 Not a lot of things push me to anxiety recently. I've been pretty slow & steady, breathing in, rushing along, skipping on the surface, diving to the depths and in general fine.

Today was such an amazing start to my time on Block Island. My daughter woke up at 5:30 and I didn't mind. We ate cereal with blueberries in the fog and walked the dogs on the beach.

My two year old daughter took a header, forehead first, into metal bleachers at full speed.  We were on Block Island, where there is no hospital and the mainland is an hour boat ride or a fifteen minute plane flight away.  Time stood still as I carried her across the field to the EMT who had run to get his go bag.  

I barely noticed my surroundings.  My daughter, hours later, is fine.  She's her normal chipper self, with a smaller-than-expected lump over her left eye.

Some weekday mornings I get to do this.

And it is AWESOME.  Awe inspiring.  Awwww.  Awwww Yeah.

(I am not mentioning, right now, the nights I spend cranking away or the holidays I've given up for work's demands.)

Because I make my own schedule I get to do a lot of things that I want to do.  This includes going for beach walks with my family, mid-morning, on a weekday.  Also, going to the bank during bank hours, yes!  And shopping when no one else is in the store, alright!